
1,000 km's of solar roads by 2021

By SkySolar


France plans to build 1,000 km’s of solar roads by 2021

After the recent Paris climate summit, France has announced plans to pave 1,000 kilometers of local roads with photovoltaic panels by 2021. Minister of ecology and energy, Ségolène Royal, believes that if the solar road program is successful, it will generate enough power to provide 5 million people with electricity.


The solar roads plan proposes attaching thin panels of a polycrystalline silicone film called Wattway to the existing road surface. Each strip is seven millimeters thick, and the material is both waterproof and weatherproof. Most importantly, the polycrystalline silicone surface has photovoltaic properties, yet is still durable enough to withstand heavy road traffic. Roads powered with the solar film should last up to ten years before requiring repair or replacement, according to Colas, the construction and development company behind the Wattway technology. In paved areas where road traffic is less frequent, like parking decks or side streets, Wattway panels could last up to 20 years.

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